Kamenec pod Vtáčnikom
The quarry Kamenec pod Vtáčnikom is located in the cadastral territory of the municipality Kamenec pod Vtáčnikom, district Prievidza.
Investments were expended in the quarry in recent years, to upgrade of the technological equipment. They created optimal conditions to get the most useful properties of the raw material. Quality management system is implemented in the quarry Kamenec pod Vtáčnikom, which meets the requirements of EN ISO 14001 for aggregate mining and processing.
Modern train loading station for end products was installed in the municipality Bystričany, in a distance of 5 km from the quarry. Loading capacity is up to 250 t/h (depending on the fraction) are reached.
Type of aggregate:
crushed aggregate, volcanic rock - AndesiteProducts:
- Asphalt aggregates for wear course (LA < 20, PSV > 52)
- Asphalt aggregates for base corse
- Railway ballast – approved supplier for Slovakia
- Road- Subbase
- Nonhydraulic aggregates mixtures for stabilisation
- Back filling materials
Fractions produced:
- 0/2; 2/4; 0/4; 4/8; 8/11; 11/22; 31,5/63; 32/63; 0/32; 0/63;
- raw material
- raw material 0/1000
- stone 200 kg
- special aggregates mixtures produced in automatic mode from single fractions, according to customer’s requirements
quarry Kamenec pod Vtáčnikom
972 44 Kamenec pod Vtáčnikom
- Asphalt aggregates for wear course (LA < 20, PSV > 52)
- Asphalt aggregates for base corse
- Railway ballast – approved supplier for Slovakia
- Nonhydraulic aggregates mixtures for stabilisation
- Road- Subbase
- Back filling materials