The quarry Trstín is located in the cadastral territory of the municipality Trstín, district Trnava.
Investments were expended in the quarry in recent years, to upgrade of the stone processing technology, and to minimize environmental impact by installation of a dedusting unite.
Quality management system is implemented in the quarry Trstín, which meets the requirements of EN ISO 9001 and EN ISO 14001 for production of concrete mixtures and ready-mixed concrete.
Type of aggregate:
crushed aggregate – dolomite/limestone
- Asphalt aggregates for base corse
- Agregates for chemical industrie
- Road- Subbase
- Back filling materials
Fractions produced:
- 0/2; 2/4; 0/4; 4/8; 8/16; 11/22; 0/63 resp. dust filler
- raw material 22/63
- stone 200/500, 0/90- according to the current production program